The world is facing a dreadful situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. The fight against the pandemic has been hard and has affected the communities and our way of life throughout the globe. HVAC Alliance Expert stays consistent with the guidelines and protocols of the U.S. Federal Government and the World Health Organization. Our employees and technicians follow social distancing rules for their safety and that of our customers.
We have implemented new methods on how we handle our services while providing you with the same high quality and efficient service. Here are some ways that HVAC Alliance Expert is at your service and keeping you safe.
Our managers are strengthening public health guidelines with every employee including on-site technicians. If our employees show signs of contamination to the virus, they are asked to go on self-isolation and not report to work.
When placing a service, you may be asked a series of questions regarding you and your family's well-being. Our professionals will not enter any home where someone is sick.
When our technician enters your home, they will strictly follow social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least six feet away from anyone at all times. We urge that you return the favor by maintaining at least six feet of distance from our technicians.
Our technicians also observe safety measures once inside your home. You’ll see that our technicians may request to wash their hands before and after servicing your heating and air conditioning system.
As usual, our technicians will wear new disposable gloves and shoe covers on each of our services and will dispose of them immediately upon leaving a client's home. We want you to feel secure, knowing that we will not bring anything with us from previous customers' homes to yours.
out to us at (855) 999-4417 or